
30 June: short habit, rain ruined, botrytis, beat-up, deadhead, compact, contained, small habit compared to others, spent blooms look awful.

15 July: a little botrytis, compact, deadhead, nice and low-growing, some flowers have white streaks, dwarfed completely by Cadenza series, flowers are ratty looking, a lot of flowers but they don't look very good, good flower cover but flowers show damage.

30 July: botrytis, crowded by Cadenza series petunias, botrytis, looks sickly, not my idea of salmon but still nice, looks pretty sad overall, needs deadheading, pale foliage, flowers aren't pleasing.

15 Aug: hidden, overtaken by Cadenza series of petunias.

30 Aug: no flowers, overtaken, unimpressive, not much left.

15 Sept: flowers lousy, overtaken.